Business Registration


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Have your business registered with the Companies Office of Jamaica and secure your Business Certificate. Find speed, ease and peace with our simplified process. 

Turnaround Time: 3-7 days

Business Stage: New

Special Requirement(s):

Valid Identification – Government Issued ID: Drivers’s License, Voters ID, Passport

Tax Registration Number (TRN)

Proof of Address

License if you fall under this category, make clickable and send to this document.

Two (2) Alternative Business Names

What will you receive:

  • Official Business Registration Certificate
  • Framed Certificate
  • Complimentary Business Consultation

Benefits of Registering Your Business

Registration offers a businesslike mantle and legal status, which makes the following easier:

  • Accessing loans and grants
  • Obtaining contracts
  • Operating bank accounts in the business name
  • Establishing ownership of the business’ name
  • Inspiring customers’ confidence

Businesses operating without registering at the Companies Office of Jamaica are operating illegally. Once registered, your business information is uploaded to the COJ’s website. This allows, for example, individuals and firms to check your business name online and make sure you are a legal business to offer you credit or do business with you.

Consequences of Failing to Register:

  • Unlawful to advertise.
  • Subject to Lawsuit
  • Business may be closed.
  • Businesses may be unable to obtain legal remedy.

Additional information


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